
Call us… 01622 623400

Leonard Gould Industrial Packaging, Maidstone, Kent
Timber Cases

Wooden Cases, Pallets

We can manufacture and supply a wide variety of cases and pallets including ply-batten, softwood, metal-edge pallets, pallet collars and trays.

Timber Cases | Low Cost Packaging | Engineered | Painted | Large Cases | Precision Machined

Low Cost Packaging
Engineered Packaging

Timber Cases

Timber cases made bespoke to your specific requirements.

Low Cost Packaging

Lean manufacturing, means that you won't pay more than you need to.


Our skilled designers, carpenters and case-makers evolve the highest quality at all times.

Painted Packaging


Any style of case can be finished to your specific needs, varnished, painted, lined etc.

Large Cases

Large Cases

No job too big or too small.

Precision Machined Boxes

Precision Machined

CNC design and manufacture.

LRQA Certified Packaging
Fefco Corrugated Packaging Logo
Timcom Timber Packaging and Pallet Confederation
IPPC Packaging Logo




01622 623400

Leonard Gould Packaging, Maidstone, Kent

We love our customers, so feel free to make an appointment to visit during normal business hours.

Leonard Gould & Company Ltd
Union Park, Bircholt Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 9XT

Tel: 01622 623400

Leonard Gould & Company Ltd Southwest
Unit 5, Woodland Industrial Estate,
Eden Vale Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3QS

Tel: 01373 859989

Leonard Gould Packaging, Westbury, Wiltshire

© Leonard Gould & Company Ltd, Union Park, Bircholt Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 9XT

Company Ref No: UK00112830